Managing HCG Side Effects For A Better Lifestyle

By Dr. Amy McMillan

No matter what technique is used to shed pounds, there are bound to be some side effects that are true with HCG diet developed by Dr. Simeons. In fact, the users are at a high risk of feeling some HCG side effects. These are not very severe and can be easily handled to reduce the discomfort caused as a result of these effects.

Not having a bowel movement and feeling constipated is a very common symptom of this diet plan. To ensure you lose one pound per day, having daily bowel movement is crucial to enable your system to flush out the waste. Constipation can be reduced by consuming herbal tea, plenty of water, and ingesting a spoon of psyllium daily.

Several people feel weak and are easily fatigued while adopting this regimen. Regular exercise becomes difficult and the momentum of the workout also reduces significantly. Users are advised to intake supplements and multivitamins to reduce their fatigue.

After following all the instructions provided under this program, many people fail to lose the required amount of weight. The reason is because the water retention in the body increases when you follow this diet plan and since water is heavier, you witness no weight loss. When the tissues break down, the water levels retained within the body is released that leads to a huge amount of extra weight.

Another common symptom of this protocol is protein deficiency at the end of the diet plan. The reason for such deficiency is that during the protocol being progress, the protein is fed to the system through the fatty tissue. However, when you finish the plan, this process is discontinued that results in an increase amount of water being retained by the body.

Users can overcome this protein deficiency by consuming the required proteins and avoiding higher water retention. Having eggs for breakfast and steak for dinner and lunch with a large cheese helping will provide the required proteins to your system. Most people will flush out a huge amount of water through the night, which results in them losing almost two pounds overnight.

Several studies and research over the year proves HCG diet is beneficial in losing pounds. However, more recent research provides insight to positive HCG side effects, such as lower cholesterol, gout reversal, progress in overcoming rheumatoid arthritis, lower blood pressure, diabetes elimination, and rebalancing testosterone levels. Other positive effects of this protocol include reduction of age lines and restoration of damaged blood vessels.

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