We all want to burn calories faster. I know I do and I don't
think I have ever met someone looking to burn fewer calories than they
could. For the time and energy we put into our fitness routines (or
anything for that matter) we want a maximum return on our investment.
I mean where do you think the phrase "Get the most bang for your buck" came from. Time is a precious commodity of which most of us have too little of. If somebody told me that I could get more accomplished in the same amount of time I would be all ears.
Well if you are walking in order to lose weight than this is for you. If you incorporate some cardio exercises into your walking routine you can really get more results. Now I'm not saying turn your 1hr. walk into a 3 hr. super intense workout that's not it all. Just break your normal routine up.
Try walking at a moderate pace for 5 minutes and then do 2 minutes of a cardio exercise. Then walk for 10 mins and again a 2-minute cardio exercise. What this is going to do is get your heart rate up so that when you are walking for that 5 or 10 minutes you will be burning more calories. That's right burn more calories walking the same amount as you were before.
By only doing 2 minutes of cardio at a time it makes it a little easier for someone who is just starting there journey to weight loss as some cardio exercises can be very intense. As you get more in shape you can up the cardio portion of your routine from 2mins. to 3 then 4 and so on. Just remember to take it slow you don't want to over do it.
How does this work? Think of it like this your body is like a car engine in order to get the peak performance you have to warm it up. You wouldn't start your car on a cold morning and immediately gun the engine up to 50mph. (unless you were late for work we have all been there). You let your engine gradually come up to temperature that way it is going to perform at its best for you. Well think of your body the same way you have to warm it up to get maximum results. That is why by getting your heart rate up you can burn more calories walking the same amount of time.
There are so many different forms of cardio exercises that you can easily find some you really enjoy doing. Some of my favorites are are the invisible jump rope (because I hate carrying anything I don't have to), jumping jacks, burpees (I love these they really make me feel like I am getting a great workout) and some basic aerobic moves.
If you do a little research you'll find that the amount of different exercises that you can do seems endless. Or if you don't find any you like just make something up the important thing is to get your heart pumping how you get there doesn't really matter.
As with any new exercise routine it is important to talk to your doctor first just to make sure that you are not going to injure or harm yourself in any way. Stretching is another important step to remember not only will you prevent injury but you will gradually improve you flexibility and muscle control.
Just as important to let your body warm up is to let it cool down too. Try to make the last 10 mins of your routine just walking 5mins at a moderate pace and 5mins at a slow pace and be sure to keep yourself well hydrated. Always remember to try to have fun when you work out after all you want this to become a habit you keep for a long time.
I mean where do you think the phrase "Get the most bang for your buck" came from. Time is a precious commodity of which most of us have too little of. If somebody told me that I could get more accomplished in the same amount of time I would be all ears.
Well if you are walking in order to lose weight than this is for you. If you incorporate some cardio exercises into your walking routine you can really get more results. Now I'm not saying turn your 1hr. walk into a 3 hr. super intense workout that's not it all. Just break your normal routine up.
Try walking at a moderate pace for 5 minutes and then do 2 minutes of a cardio exercise. Then walk for 10 mins and again a 2-minute cardio exercise. What this is going to do is get your heart rate up so that when you are walking for that 5 or 10 minutes you will be burning more calories. That's right burn more calories walking the same amount as you were before.
By only doing 2 minutes of cardio at a time it makes it a little easier for someone who is just starting there journey to weight loss as some cardio exercises can be very intense. As you get more in shape you can up the cardio portion of your routine from 2mins. to 3 then 4 and so on. Just remember to take it slow you don't want to over do it.
How does this work? Think of it like this your body is like a car engine in order to get the peak performance you have to warm it up. You wouldn't start your car on a cold morning and immediately gun the engine up to 50mph. (unless you were late for work we have all been there). You let your engine gradually come up to temperature that way it is going to perform at its best for you. Well think of your body the same way you have to warm it up to get maximum results. That is why by getting your heart rate up you can burn more calories walking the same amount of time.
There are so many different forms of cardio exercises that you can easily find some you really enjoy doing. Some of my favorites are are the invisible jump rope (because I hate carrying anything I don't have to), jumping jacks, burpees (I love these they really make me feel like I am getting a great workout) and some basic aerobic moves.
If you do a little research you'll find that the amount of different exercises that you can do seems endless. Or if you don't find any you like just make something up the important thing is to get your heart pumping how you get there doesn't really matter.
As with any new exercise routine it is important to talk to your doctor first just to make sure that you are not going to injure or harm yourself in any way. Stretching is another important step to remember not only will you prevent injury but you will gradually improve you flexibility and muscle control.
Just as important to let your body warm up is to let it cool down too. Try to make the last 10 mins of your routine just walking 5mins at a moderate pace and 5mins at a slow pace and be sure to keep yourself well hydrated. Always remember to try to have fun when you work out after all you want this to become a habit you keep for a long time.
Walking is a great form of exercise whether you are just starting
a new fitness routine or looking to add to your current one walking is
perfect for you. If you want Free helpful information and tips on
how walking can get you in shape and feeling great please check out my
website Walking Off Weight.net [http://www.walkingoffweight.net].
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