The best exercise to reduce tummy fat is a question my weight
loss clients ask frequently at the start of their programs, often
because they've struggled in getting rid of that layer of excess fat for
years without success.
Luckily there are several ways to finally dump that spare tire forever, and the way to success can be found in techniques and methods Asian women have used to get their skinny waists back after giving birth to children.
Let's examine a few of their solutions.
Exercise To Reduce Tummy - Fast And Easy
For many people the stomach or belly region is their most troublesome. For Mothers, it's usually an area that has an excess layer of skin and fat leftover from their pregnancy, and for women everywhere it can cause those ugly "muffin-top" love handle fat to leak over the top of our jeans.
Honestly though, it's impossible to learn all of the true secrets that Asian women use to get ultra-thin from a single article or page. You CAN pick up a few ideas that can help you over the short term that will help you. Here's a basic easy-to-follow plan.
1. The Vacuum Method Exercise To Reduce Tummy Fat
Forcefully expel all the air out of your lungs, and as you do, feel your stomach muscles contracting and getting tight. This action is actually the equivalent of a reverse-crunch, where you're using the power of your core to push the air out and hold it.
You need to do the in/out breathing in a rhythm, meaning you take in air, hold it, then force it out slowly until it's gone...holding it for as long as you can until taking another breath.
It will be difficult to do many repetitions at first, particularly if you're carrying a lot of extra fat in this area, but you WILL get better at it. And amazingly you will notice that inches begin to fall off within a few weeks of routinely performing the exercise.
2. Belly Rub Exercise To Reduce Tummy Fat
I tend to do this one while watching TV at night, along with my Asian brush technique, to break down fat deposits and allow the fat cells to be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream for use as energy later.
All you need to do is give yourself the equivalent of a deep-tissue massage in the belly region using your own hands to knead the fat like bread or pasta dough.
Heat generated by your hands on that area will help you towards the goal, simply through transferring the energy into the fat directly, which causes it stress...which then forces it to release its hold in that region.
What If You Still Can't Lose Belly Fat?
If these exercises to reduce tummy fat don't work for you, you'll need to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.
Luckily there are several ways to finally dump that spare tire forever, and the way to success can be found in techniques and methods Asian women have used to get their skinny waists back after giving birth to children.
Let's examine a few of their solutions.
Exercise To Reduce Tummy - Fast And Easy
For many people the stomach or belly region is their most troublesome. For Mothers, it's usually an area that has an excess layer of skin and fat leftover from their pregnancy, and for women everywhere it can cause those ugly "muffin-top" love handle fat to leak over the top of our jeans.
Honestly though, it's impossible to learn all of the true secrets that Asian women use to get ultra-thin from a single article or page. You CAN pick up a few ideas that can help you over the short term that will help you. Here's a basic easy-to-follow plan.
1. The Vacuum Method Exercise To Reduce Tummy Fat
Forcefully expel all the air out of your lungs, and as you do, feel your stomach muscles contracting and getting tight. This action is actually the equivalent of a reverse-crunch, where you're using the power of your core to push the air out and hold it.
You need to do the in/out breathing in a rhythm, meaning you take in air, hold it, then force it out slowly until it's gone...holding it for as long as you can until taking another breath.
It will be difficult to do many repetitions at first, particularly if you're carrying a lot of extra fat in this area, but you WILL get better at it. And amazingly you will notice that inches begin to fall off within a few weeks of routinely performing the exercise.
2. Belly Rub Exercise To Reduce Tummy Fat
I tend to do this one while watching TV at night, along with my Asian brush technique, to break down fat deposits and allow the fat cells to be more easily absorbed into the bloodstream for use as energy later.
All you need to do is give yourself the equivalent of a deep-tissue massage in the belly region using your own hands to knead the fat like bread or pasta dough.
Heat generated by your hands on that area will help you towards the goal, simply through transferring the energy into the fat directly, which causes it stress...which then forces it to release its hold in that region.
What If You Still Can't Lose Belly Fat?
If these exercises to reduce tummy fat don't work for you, you'll need to learn a more powerful secret free method that Asian women do to force fat off of their belly and thighs in less than a month...without starving or doing crazy workouts.
This solution works to quickly burn stomach fat and is very
simple, the full details on how to do it are in the free report here: Best Exercise To Reduce Tummy. I actually do it myself while relaxing on the couch watching TV, and it works amazingly well.
Click on the link and learn the trick for yourself before it's gone:
Love and good health always,
Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet
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Click on the link and learn the trick for yourself before it's gone:
Love and good health always,
Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet