3 Superfoods That Can Help You Lose Weight

By September Diley

If you are wondering what superfoods are, you're about to find out what they are. Typically plant foods, superfoods are loaded with plant nutrients referred to as phytonutrients. You'll also find vitamins, minerals, and prebiotics in superfoods. They've got super in their name because of all the healthy and good stuff they contain. Many superfoods have been found to have properties that can prevent or treat several serious diseases. Besides that, superfoods can help in weight loss.

Is yogurt one of your favorite foods? You're in luck because it's regarded as a superfood that promotes weight loss.

If you like eating yogurt, then you're in great luck because this superfood is great for losing weight.

In one study, a control group was given non-fat yogurt. Compared to the other group, the non-fat yogurt group lost nearly 25% more weight. What's great is that after three months of consuming non-fat yogurt, the yogurt eaters lost about 60% more fat while still retaining muscle mass. This, according to researchers, is due to the high bio-assimilable calcium levels found in yogurt. You can try buying probiotic yogurts as well. This means probiotic bacteria, the good guys, have been added to the yogurt.

Fat burning foods help you burn more fat than the foods give you in terms of fat. There is a whole class of fat burning foods, and you may want to look into that with more research. You'll also find at least a dozen kinds of vitamins in eggs. Eggs also provide you with minerals and certain amino acids beneficial for brain health.

A nutritious superfood that is great for encouraging weight loss is the sweet potato. Between regular potatoes and sweet potatoes, the latter are better to eat. When you bake regular potatoes, they usually don't have any taste.

So for taste, most people add butter and salt to their potatoes. Sweet potatoes are sweet and you really don't need to put anything on them. Don't put anything on baked sweet potatoes and you'll see that they already taste better as they are. Then there's the fact that sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A. They also have lots of vitamins and minerals. Another excellent nutrient found in high amounts in sweet potatoes is potassium. All of these factors are excellent for heart health and your entire cardiovascular system.

The Paleo diet is an example of a diet where you can incorporate superfoods. There are other diets out there but the Paleo diet seems to be a good fit because of it premise. It's not too difficult to imagine early humans eating mostly a plant-based diet. You can lose weight using the same approach by consuming plant superfoods.

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