Losing Weight Naturally - 5 Top Weight Loss Tips

There's a whole lot of misinformation and contradictions out there that cause a lot of misery and despondency for people who are desperate to lose unwanted and sometimes dangerous excess weight - being fed the wrong information makes losing weight naturally and permanently a near impossibility for them.
A lot of wrong information is often well intended (I'm sure you've noticed that there's a hell of a lot of "experts" out there) but unfortunately will only ever frustrate the serious business of dropping those extra kilos or pounds.

As a start to debunking some of the misinformation here are five genuine tried and tested tips that will go a long way toward helping you effectively "lighten your load" quickly and permanently the natural way;

Set goals and stick with them

Keep true to your own word. Write down and stick to realistic, challenging but attainable goals - in other words, don't make your goals impossible to get to, because it's a huge morale booster every time you pass each milestone and just this alone will provide massive encouragement to get to that next goal.

Plan your meals

As much as you possibly can anyway. You need to make sure that you're not tempted to eat easy and quick-to-grab junk food that'll pile on the calories because you've ended up hungry with nothing prepared.

On this same note - don't even think about going shopping when you're hungry. All you'll do is see and smell all those eye-catching pastries and goodies and it's all over! Just be prepared and make you've had a decent meal before you go out.

Beware of late night snacks

If you have to have something late in the evening, then just stick to a few simple rules - keep it light, keep it low fat, keep it low protein, keep it sugar-free and make sure you're finished at least an hour before you hit the sack.

Good quality sleep is important for making sure that you stick to your goals. So if you don't stick to these simple rules you'll find yourself too energized for sleep and quite possibly end up with extra belly rumblings and gas production that's bound to give you (and your partner) an uncomfortable night.


There are now many types of good, healthy, wholesome foods. Try them all in all the varying combination's - raw and cooked, then you're unlikely to get bored with a dull and lifeless diet.

By the way, there's no reason you can't be human and indulge yourself now and again. There's nothing wrong with pizza and a couple of beers with the guys or some chocolate and a couple of glasses of wine with the girls, so long as it's only on the odd occasion!

Eat regularly

Eating just once or twice a day is not good for you, simple. Eating 4 or 5 small, low fat healthy meals every two to three hours is the best way to go. You'll stay fuller for longer and your body will have an easier job of absorbing all the necessary health sustaining nutrients it needs.

In summary; it's easy if you really want to get yourself into good shape and stay in good shape. Just focus, set your targets and make these tips a part of your every day life. Natural, speedy, healthy and permanent weight loss isn't and has never been about overly complicated dieting systems and /or poisonous diet pills - it's all about simplicity, a bit of will-power and genuine weight loss knowledge.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Kirwan