Top Training Routines For Weight Loss

As New Years Eve came again, as it does quite regularly, resolutions about weight loss were a dime a dozen and you got swept away by that contagious mood of a new year meaning a new life, and somewhere in the midst of the most joyous celebrations, and with more than a couple of glasses of that pink champagne, you joined the caravan of resolutions. The day after, you may have sourly regretted it, but as you are determined not to lose face again you want to stick to your guns on this one.

For The Rookie

The first golden rule of starting anew and heading back into the game of fitness is to not overdo it. Do not head out on a brisk January morning and start running for hours on end until you collapse and lay gasping for air. Remember that walking can work wonders for you. A healthy twenty-minute walk in a tempo that makes your heart pump at least a little bit faster will take you a long way. Everybody should be able to set aside twenty minutes.

The Torso

Do some resistance band training if you are not yet feeling confident enough to use the equipment provided by your local gym. When you are just starting, select two or three muscle-groups to focus on. Do one or two sets, and make sure you range your repetitions between 8 to 16. Choose for example your biceps and triceps for your first upper body session, and the next time you go for the shoulders and the chest.

Strengthening Your Thighs

Do some squats and lunges as it is really effective in order to strengthening both your inner and outer thighs. Do not overdo it is the motto for this department as well, one or two sets with between eight and sixteen repetitions are sufficient.

The Six-Pack

Well actually, this is a somewhat misguiding sub-title as you absolutely should not only focus on your abdominals as you begin a work-out routine for your core muscle-groups. Lower back and hip flexors are just as important. Sit-ups are good, but there is also a variety of training devices you can choose from in order to make you exercising both more fun and effective.

Keep At It 

Really the most vital step is to just keep going, do not give up with the first sign of that inner voice of you trying to get the better of you. When it comes to training and exercising, your worst enemy is usually yourself. You have to be able to recognize when you start making excuses for yourself that just are not valid because otherwise, chances are you will be standing there next New Years Eve, disappointed with yourself, making promises yet again that you fear you will not be able to keep.

So start getting into some training routines and soon enough you will have achieved that weight loss that you so desperately have longed for.

This article is about training routines for weight loss, and how you keep at it.
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